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Travel Coverage and the Advantages of Its Acquisition

Uncertainties can emerge along the journey, and this product offers peace of mind to the insured, covering indemnities in cases of unforeseen events, both domestic and international.

One well-known coverage is medical protection, considered 100% mandatory due to the exorbitant costs associated with care in certain countries. In some regions, insurance is obligatory for entry.

However, this type of coverage extends beyond medical care. It allows the covered person to avail the following services:

  • Trip cancellations
  • Loss of belongings and luggage
  • Delayed flights
  • Baggage delays
  • Early return
  • Extension of stay at the location
  • Costs due to legal and judicial means

Additionally, the insurance can offer various other services, such as assistance for minors and aid in case of lost documents or credit cards.

Each customer should seek out the coverages that best suit their destination.

Next, we will present additional details about how this policy operates.

This coverage for the client is essentially a means of personal protection, categorized as a risk policy plan. It ensures reimbursement and compensation in cases of obstacles encountered during both domestic and international travel, provided these events are documented and related to the trip.

The primary objective is to provide support to the individual facing various situations that may arise during their travels, whether for tourism, work, or study purposes.

Certain types of coverage are mandatory in travel insurance, such as medical consultations, dentistry, hospitalization, repatriation of the deceased, and disability resulting from accidents during the trip.

In the past, various companies offered this travel policy with different coverages and reimbursement models. In 2016, the Brazilian Insurance Superintendence (Susep) officially began regulating this product and clarified indemnification guidelines to provide clarity in its procurement.

Model of international travel insurance

This type of contract needs to be arranged before the trip, not during it. The insurance becomes legally effective at the moment of departure and is valid for a defined period, covering the entire trip.

In the event of a covered event, known as a “claim,” the insured must promptly contact the insurance company. It’s important to note that insurance companies may offer specialized assistance 24 hours a day worldwide.

This process is crucial, as the policyholder may face emergency issues in a distant location without knowing the local language.

An important consideration for anyone seeking any type of insurance is to pay close attention to the following points in the contract:

This is additional coverage offered by insurers, and compensation for this event can be obtained through reimbursement if, for some reason, the policyholder cannot immediately contact the company or lacks a suitable provider in that location.

In other words, it’s crucial to check whether the company offers 24-hour assistance and if there are affiliated companies in the place you’ll be.

Health insurance for your travels

As emphasized in various sections, coverages involving all aspects related to the policyholder’s health are mandatory in travel insurance plans.

According to statistics, this type of policy is one of the most crucial and commonly purchased. This coverage is not only related to receiving care in emergencies but also to the high costs of treatments performed in other countries.

In the US, healthcare systems are considered the most expensive globally. To provide an idea, a basic medical evaluation costs an average of $200, and the treatment for a fracture can reach up to $20,000.

How should one choose a travel insurance policy?

The coverage is provided by different insurance firms, where each category of product might carry a specific cost.

Conducting thorough research is crucial. Endeavor to confer with your broker to acquire comprehensive details and precise information regarding costs, charges, and supplementary choices.

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